Social Media Users Per Platform 2017

Global Social Media Statistics for 2017

Social media is an always-evolving set of skills, best practices, and platforms. The social networking platform companies are continually rolling out new features equally they compete for an ever-dwindling article—our time.

But if you take a look at social media statistics, you can go an idea of how to best use social media for your business.

Global Social Media Statistics

Nosotros've highlighted some of the most valuable stats for concern below:

Social Media Users and Frequency

Who'south where and how frequently?

• Facebook is nonetheless the site with the most agile users (1.860 billion) per month and 1.74 billion agile users on mobile. That's roughly 22% of the globe's population. (Statista)

• Out of online Americans, 79% use Facebook (75% of men and 83% of women), 32% use Instagram, 31% use Pinterest, 29% apply LinkedIn and 24% apply Twitter. (Pew Research Center)

• WhatsApp has over a billion users now.

• There are 3.773 billion internet users (50% penetration) and 2.789 billion active mobile social users (37% penetration) around the world. (We Are Social)

• Annual growth of internet and social media active users around the globe was x% from 2015-2016. Growth of active social media mobile users was 21 percent. (Nosotros Are Social)

• 97% of online adults ages 16-64 accept visited or used a social network over the past month.

• Nearly 80% of girls in Nihon ages 10-19 have a Twitter Business relationship (eMarketer)

• The average net user has vii accounts, up from 3 in 2012. (Global Web Alphabetize)

• 45% of online women use Pinterest. (Pew Research Center)

• 32% of teenagers say Instagram is the most important social network and nearly of the site's users are betwixt 18-29. (Pew Research Center)

• SnapChat reaches 41% of all 18-34-year-olds in the U.S. and 150 million people use the platform every day. (SnapChat)

• Since 2005, the number of people who employ social media has risen from five% to 69%. (Pew Research Center)

• 34% of Americans over 65 apply social media, while 64% from ages l-64 apply it. (Pew Research Middle)

Digital in 2017 Global Overview
Digital in 2017 Global Overview - infographic
Infographic courtesy of: Wearesocial and HootSuite.

Social Media Activity

What are people doing on social media?

• 43% of social media users between 19-29 are researching and searching for jobs on social media while nearly a quarter (24%) of social media users over 50 are doing the same. (iCIMS)

• At work, 34% of social media users admit to using social media to "take a mental break", 27% apply it to stay in touch with family, 24% brand or support professional connections. (Pew Inquiry Center)

• In Asia, social media commerce makes up about xxx% of online sales. (eMarketer)

• In Republic of korea, more than half of net users apply messaging apps, By 2019, it'due south expected that rate volition be over 25% for the rest of the world. (eMarketer)

• 41% of people utilize social media to get their news (Global Spider web Alphabetize)

• 81% of Millennials check Twitter at to the lowest degree once a twenty-four hour period.

• Sponsored lenses on SnapChat average about 20 seconds worth of play time past users. (SnapChat)

• More than half of YouTube views are on mobile devices. (YouTube)

• YouTube reaches more people historic period 18-49 than any cable network in the U.S. (YouTube)

Social media engagement – Statistics and Trends

Social media engagement – Statistics and Trends - infographic
Infographic source: Invespcro.

Statistics can exist overwhelming so information technology's important you put them in context for your business. What markets practice yous sell in? Who is your platonic customer and what demographics do they fit? Knowing the answers to these questions can help y'all apply what is most valuable to your marketing.

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